Buy building land Orava, Huty
- [12.1. 2025]Zmazať/ Upraviť/ Topovať

I offer for sale an exclusive building plot in the picturesque village of Huty, locality Orava. The land is included in the territorial building plan of the village.
The added value of the land is beautiful untouched nature, unique views of the Kvačianska and Prosiecka valley.
It offers relaxation, tranquility, cottaging, hiking, sports activities.
The land area is 2093m2, plus shares on the access road (macadam) 112,45m2.
Water: connection to water supply, well.
The municipality plans to expand the capacity of the drinking water reservoir in the village in the short term.
Electricity: within 100m
Gas is not in the village.
The land is sunny, gently sloping.
Price of land: 78€/m2
The village of Huty is located in the district of Liptovský Mikuláš, only 8 km from Zuberec, 10 km ski resort Zverovka Spálená,,18 km thermal swimming pool Oravice.
The added value of the land is beautiful untouched nature, unique views of the Kvačianska and Prosiecka valley.
It offers relaxation, tranquility, cottaging, hiking, sports activities.
The land area is 2093m2, plus shares on the access road (macadam) 112,45m2.
Water: connection to water supply, well.
The municipality plans to expand the capacity of the drinking water reservoir in the village in the short term.
Electricity: within 100m
Gas is not in the village.
The land is sunny, gently sloping.
Price of land: 78€/m2
The village of Huty is located in the district of Liptovský Mikuláš, only 8 km from Zuberec, 10 km ski resort Zverovka Spálená,,18 km thermal swimming pool Oravice.
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Overenie je zadarmo.
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