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Experience the Elegance of Timeless Luxury: Own a Manor Hous

- TOP - [19.9. 2024]
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Experience the Elegance of Timeless Luxury: Own a Manor Hous - 1
Experience the Elegance of Timeless Luxury: Own a Manor Hous - 2
Experience the Elegance of Timeless Luxury: Own a Manor Hous - 3
Experience the Elegance of Timeless Luxury: Own a Manor Hous - 4
Experience the Elegance of Timeless Luxury: Own a Manor Hous - 5
Experience the Elegance of Timeless Luxury: Own a Manor Hous - 6
Experience the Elegance of Timeless Luxury: Own a Manor Hous - 7
Experience the Elegance of Timeless Luxury: Own a Manor Hous - 8
Experience the Elegance of Timeless Luxury: Own a Manor Hous - 9
Experience the Elegance of Timeless Luxury: Own a Manor Hous - 10
Would you like to reward yourself for your hard work with a LUXURY RESIDENCE or take advantage of one of the many possibilities of this exceptional property? PROFIREALITY SABOL presents an unrepeatable opportunity to become the owner of a HISTORIC MANOR IN THE HEART OF TORNAĽA.


This magnificent manor house, built at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, could be described as the PERFECT COMBINATION OF HISTORICAL CHARM AND MODERN COMFORT thus creating a unique atmosphere.
The property is located in the beautiful surroundings of southern Slovakia, in the town of TORNAĽA. It is a brick residential building with ARCHITECTONIC construction, which has 7 RESIDENTIAL SITES. The floor area consists of 522 sq m, and the land is 2516 sq m. It is possible to buy additional LAND with an area of about 10,000 sq m and increase its potential, for example, by building a large park or garden. Part of this period property is also a CELLAR of 300 sq m, which can also be used as a smaller WINERY. The property has an original condition, which gives the new owner a lot of space for reconstruction according to their ideas, in addition to the use of Euro funding.


1. LUXURY HOUSING: The manor house can be converted into a luxury residence for an individual, a family, or several families. Its historical value and architectural design provide unique living.
2. HOTEL OR B&B: Mansions or manor houses often serve as hotels or guesthouses, attracting guests with their historic atmosphere and luxury. They may offer special experiences, such as spas, wedding ceremonies, or themed stays.
3. WEDDING AND EVENT CENTRE: Thanks to their grand appearance, manor houses are ideal for weddings, corporate events, concerts, exhibitions, and other social events.
4. OFFICES: A manor house can be an attractive solution for companies looking for representative offices. It provides a unique working environment and prestige for attorneys, notaries, and economists.
5. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. The historic environment can be motivating for students and staff.
6. WELLNESS AND SPA: Many mansions or manor houses have been converted into wellness centres and spas, offering a variety of health and relaxation services in beautiful surroundings.
7. RECREATION CENTRE: A manor house can serve as a base for recreational activities such as horseback riding, hiking, biking, fishing, or hunting, which can attract visitors looking for active recreation.
8. REHABILITATION CENTRE: The manor house can be converted into a rehabilitation or health centre, offering a variety of therapeutic services in a peaceful and beautiful setting.
9. HEALTH CENTRE: The manor house can be converted into a specialised health facility, such as an alternative medicine clinic, a centre for psychotherapy, or a long-term care facility.
10. WINE AND WINERY: If the manor has suitable land, it can be used for growing


Mária Canning PhD. - PROFI REALITY SABOL, s.r.o.


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